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Mechanical Behaviour of non conventional Materials

3MAB1 Mechanical Behaviour of non conventional Materials Materials and Mechanics - Apprenticeship S9
Lessons : 15 h TD : 15 h TP : 0 h Project : 0 h Total : 30 h
Co-ordinator : David Blond
Elastoplasticité (2MAB1)
Rupture des matériaux (2MAF1)
Course Objectives
- Study of the mechanical behavior of ceramic and polymer and polymer composites in correlation with their physical and chemical properties.
- Mechanical properties of ceramic
- Mechanical properties of thermoplastics, thermosets and elastomers
- Rheological modelling of linear viscoelastic polymers
- Mechanical properties of a laminate polymer composite
Practical work (TD or TP)
Tutorial classes: mechanical properties of ceramics, polymers and polymers based composites
Acquired skills
Be able to understand the thermo-mechanical properties of ceramics and polymer materials according various types of load. Be able to calculate the mechanical properties of a laminate.
Les techniques de l’ingénieur
Traité des matériaux 14 (matériaux polymères : propriétés mécaniques et physiques)
Traité des matériaux 15 (matériaux composites à matrice organique)
Mécanique des Matériaux et Structures Composites (Berthelot)

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