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Introduction aux propriétés mécaniques des matériaux

1MAC1 Introduction aux propriétés mécaniques des matériaux Materials and Mechanics - Apprenticeship S5
Lessons : 15 h TD : 15 h TP : 0 h Project : 0 h Total : 30 h
Co-ordinator : Sylvain Marinel
Course Objectives
Introduce the physical and mechanical properties of the different classes of materials. Understand and manipulate the simple relations and tools of physical and mechanical characterization of materials (mechanical, electrical, thermal, magnetic characterization, etc.)
- Classes of materials: general properties
- Chemical bonding and associated energy, origin of the elasticity in isotropic materials.
- Concept of the representative volume and mechanical physical quantities
- Mechanical testing: experimental description (traction-compression, torsion, hardness, etc.)
- Relationships between microstructure and properties: introduction to phase diagrams
- Electrical and thermal properties of metals (Wiedemann-Franz equation), classical model of the electrical conductivity (electron gas) and thermal quantities
- Semiconductors, Band Diagrams, Hall Effect
- Introduction to magnetic properties (diamagnetism, paramagnetism and ferromagnetism)
Practical work (TD or TP)
Use of basic concepts in mechanics and physics for the characterization and evaluation of the properties of materials
Acquired skills
Acquisition of fundamental skills and knowledges on the mechanical and physical properties of materials.
Propriétés et comportements des matériaux. Du microscopique au macroscopique. Alain Cornet, Françoise Hlawka, Technosup - Les filières technologiques des enseignements supérieurs (Edition Ellipses-2011)

Traité des Matériaux: 8 Physique des matériaux, Maurice Gerl, Jean-Paul Issi, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 1997.

Matériaux. 1. Propriétés et Applications, M.F. Ashby, D.R.H. Jones, Edition Dunod

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