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Thermodynamical properties of metallic alloys

3MAK3 Thermodynamical properties of metallic alloys Materials and Chemistry S9
Lessons : 15 h TD : 0 h TP : 0 h Project : 0 h Total : 15 h
Co-ordinator : Eric Hug
Non renseigné
Course Objectives
- Prediction of the phases present in an alloy
- Thermodynamic considerations, stability of alloys
- Out of equilibrium and impact of solidification kinetics
- Oxidation mechanisms
1. Phase diagrams in metallurgy. Basic tools

2. Thermodynamic approach for phase diagrams

3. Mechanisms of solidification

4. Solid state transformations

5. Oxydation mechanisms
Practical work (TD or TP)
Optimization of the properties of metallic alloys
Prediction of the phases involved in an alloy and their evolution with time and temperature
Impact of oxidation kinetics on the service life of metallic structures
Acquired skills
Taking into account the effects of the environment on the computation of the mechanical strength and the durability of a metallic structure
Non renseigné

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