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Statistical Properties of Media

1M2AE1 Statistical Properties of Media Materials and Chemistry S6
Lessons : 14 h TD : 14 h TP : 0 h Project : 0 h Total : 28 h
Co-ordinator : Raymond Fresard
Basic knowledge of quantum physics.
Course Objectives
This course aims to give future engineers the tools to understand the properties of systems made up of many elements, emphasizing the condensed media and the difference between classical and quantum statistics, as well as to acquire basic knowledge on electronic structure.
Individual and collective behaviours.
(Anti-)symmetrizing of the states and Pauli principle.
The postulates of statistical mechanics: Gibbs states, thermodynamics and equipartition of energy.
Canonical and grand-canonical ensembles: conservation of the number of particles and chemical potential.
Quantum statistical mechanics: postulates, fermions and bosons, density matrix, irreversibility.
Tight-binding model and thermodynamic properties of metals.
Bosons and Bose-Einstein condensation.
Practical work (TD or TP)
Chemical equilibrium.
Free energy and heat capacity of metals.
Classical limit and thermodynamic properties of semiconductors.
Vibration modes of a solid (Debye model and Einstein model) and their contribution to the heat capacity of the metals.
Acquired skills
Knowledge of classical and quantum statistics.
Applications to chemical reactions.
Applications to thermodynamic properties of metals and semiconductors.
Basic knowledge on the electronic structure of periodic systems.
K. Huang, Statistical Mechanics, J. Wiley (1987).
L. Landau et E. Lifschitz, Physique Statistique, Editions Mir (1967).
L. Reichl, A Modern Course in Statistical Physics, E. Arnold (publishers) (1987).
B. Diu, D. Lederer et B. Roulet, Physique statistique, Hermann (1996).

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