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Macroscopic properties of materials

1M2AD2 Macroscopic properties of materials Materials and Chemistry S6
Lessons : 14 h TD : 14 h TP : 0 h Project : 0 h Total : 28 h
Co-ordinator : Anne-Claire Dhaussy
Course Objectives
Acquire the basics at the microscopic and macroscopic scale of physical properties in condensed matter.General approach of the electrical and magnetic properties of materials in term of isotropic linear modeling. Associated constitutive relastionships, analytical description. Applications.
Physic of condensed matter. Reminders on microscopic aspects, electrical dipole - magnetic dipole. Macroscopic approach of the different environments.Conductors and semi-conductors. Dielectric materials : polarization, susceptibility, dielectric constants. Dielectric excitation. Material classes and applications. Magnetic materials : magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, permeability. Applications to magnetic circuits. Information storage.
Practical work (TD or TP)
Application of Maxwell's equations in material environment. Field calculation from polarized or magnetic systems. Dielectric and magnetic balances, magnetic shielding.
Acquired skills
To know and understand the physical properties characterizing dielectric and magnetic materials.
To know how to apply the laws of electrostatic and magnetostatic states.
To be able to describe the behaviour of a material in the linear approximation.
To know how to correlate the physical properties and the atomic or molecular structure of matter.
To acquire an overview of the main industrial applications of the studied cases.
J.P. PEREZ, R. CARLES, R. FLECKINGER, Electromagnétisme, ed. Masson.

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