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Physico-chemistry of inorganic materials

1M2AD1 Physico-chemistry of inorganic materials Materials and Chemistry S6
Lessons : 14 h TD : 14 h TP : 9 h Project : 0 h Total : 37 h
Co-ordinator : Jean-Michel Rueff
Chemical bond in the solid
Course Objectives
This course is an introduction to the knowledge of inorganic materials and, is focused on materials with electronic conduction properties usable in the field of energy production or electronics. It aims to present the first rudiments of the structure-property relationship of these materials.
- Generalities on materials
- Reminders the different models of the electrons and the atom and of the theory of molecular orbitals.
- The free electron in the solid: the metal: Free electron model and band model.
- Tetrahedral semiconductors.
- Dielectric, ferroelectric, piezoelectric materials

Practical work (TD or TP)
TP: Ionic Conductivity, Ferroelectricity and DSC, Phase Diagram.
TD: resistivity of metals, study of silicon, influence of magnetic field on electrical conductivity, ferroelectricity, ionic conductivity.
Acquired skills
Acquisition of the bases of the crystalline state of these inorganic materials: structural description, bonds and correlation with the properties of inorganic materials.
Physique de l'Etat Solide - Charles Kittel,
Le cours de physique de Feynmann
Structure de la matière :Atomes, liaisons chimiques et cristallographie - Michel Guymont La structure électronique des molécules - Tome 1 et 2 De l'atome aux molécules simples - Yves Jean, François Volatron

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