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French as a foreign language - project

2L1AA21 French as a foreign language - project Electronics and Applied Physics S7
Lessons : 0 h TD : 28 h TP : 0 h Project : 0 h Total : 28 h
Co-ordinator : Sonja PIQUET
French as a foreign language - 1st year
Course Objectives
1. Improve the writing skills of the student;
2. Help in the drafting of the professional project of a soon-to-be engineer.
This activity is divided into two parts:
1. Group work: collective writing of a text in relation with the professional project.
The subject is imposed by the teacher. Students decide on the storyline, characters, the division into chapters. Two reading sessions are organized to ensure the overall coherence of the story and refine transitions. The title is chosen by voting among a set of propositions. The final version is published as an e-book.
2. Homework: formalization and drafting of the professional project.
The student provides a detailed assessment of personality and skills. He has to explain how he succeeded in finding a 2nd-year internship in accordance with his aspirations and describe the type of job he imagines in the short, medium and long term.
The written work is completed by a short oral presentation which allows students to synthesize their professional project.
Practical work (TD or TP)
Collective writing on the theme of job dating.
Acquired skills
Improving writing in French. The student is aware of his weaknesses and can autocorrect his most usual mistakes.
Le bilan de vos compétences, P. de Sainte Lorette, C. Goetz, Eds. Eyrolles, 2010.

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