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Physique statistique - Statistical physics

1E1AD2 Physique statistique - Statistical physics Electronics and Applied Physics S5
Lessons : 14 h TD : 14 h TP : 0 h Project : 0 h Total : 28 h
Co-ordinator : Jean-Claude Angelique
Basic concepts in classical thermodynamics
Course Objectives
Describe the fundamentals of the microscopic description of equilibrium systems.
Statistics by Maxwell Boltzmann, Fermi Dirac and Bose Einstein
Semiconductor applications.
- General introduction
- Essential data of classical thermodynamics.
- Introduction of thermodynamic principles in the microscopic description of
- Statistical entropy.
- Partition function and applications.
- Statistics of Maxwell Boltzmann and gas applications
- Fermi - Dirac and Bose Einstein statistics and applications to semiconductors
Practical work (TD or TP)
Training in the basic calculations of the statistical description of systems.
Applications to the description of many phenomena: conduction of metals, properties of contacts between doped metals or semiconductors, role of temperature in many physical phenomena. Conductivity.
Acquired skills
Knowledge of classical and quantum statistics for their uses for
all kinds of applications in Physics and Electronics.
H. NGO, C. NGO, Physique statistique, ed. Masson.
I. COUTURE, R. ZITOUN, Physique statistique, ed. Ellipses.

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