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Introduction to e-Payments

1IAC3 Introduction to e-Payments Computer Science - Apprenticeship S5
Lessons : 22 h TD : 0 h TP : 2 h Project : 0 h Total : 24 h
Co-ordinator : Wilfried AUBRY
Course Objectives
1. Master basic concepts and specialized vocabulary ;
2. Be able to understand and build a chain of exchanges of secured electronic transactions within a circle of trust;
3. Identify the respective roles of industry, banking cluster and scientific community;
4. Open on the prospects of professional and strategic future.
1. Definitions
Definition of the structuring terms of electronic payment: the actors of the relationship, the cardholder, the smartcard, the issuer bank, the point of interaction and the acquirer bank.

2. The interbank model
Organization of financial institutions and bank clusters (domestic and cross-border).
Concept of card scheme
Introduction to EMV standards.

3. History and geography of smartcards
From 1960 to the SEPA, history of technological, structural and commercial developments.
Overview of the different scales and issues: local, national, European and international.

4. Security and fraud
General aspects of identification and authentication, the security features of smartcards, how to deal with fraud.

5. The industrial system
Industrial landscapes, technical architectures and the electronic payment chain.

6. Beyond electronic payments
Health Insurance Card, Transport Cards, and Digital Identity.

7. Card products
Description of the functionalities of different card products
Practical work (TD or TP)
Practical work :
Technical visit of the ENSICAEN smartcard payments platform and discovery of protocols and cash flows.
Acquired skills
Knowledge of French and European electronic payments architecture, as well as the role of the industrial and institutional actors in electronic banking.
Non renseigné

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